I hope you kids aren't working too hard today, or even better, I hope you took today off of work like I did.
Today I'm back in my happy place, and this time of year my happy place is even more special because it is filled with the love and laughter of my whole family. It's become a tradition over the years to spend the 4th of July week with family at our little bitty teeny tiny lake cabin. Our goal is to cram as many family members into that two bedroom, two bathroom cabin as we possibly can. We are constantly stepping over people, but it's perfect.
Every summer my extended family makes the grueling nine hour trip up to Alabama to spend the week on the lake. This summer we even added two more little munchkins to the mix. That gives us a total of 15 normal size people and 2 babies crammed into our cabin. See? I told you it was a tight fit. And that is just the number of people sleeping in the lake cabin. On the 4th of July my Birmingham family drives over to the lake to spend the day with us as well. That gives us more people that I can even count up in my head sharing a space. You pop enough beers open and no one ever cares that we are crammed in like a bunch of sardines.
This time last year my now fiancé made his introduction to the family during our week long lake vacation and this year we will be asking my cousins to participate in our wedding as flower girl and ring bearer. The memories we have made over the years on the lake are unforgettable, and I am looking forward to many many more years of memories to be made...