Feeling Like A Whole New Me


Let me just tell you about my new love affair with Melatonin.
Back in January I wrote a post about not sleeping well, and since then things haven't gotten any better. That was until, however, I finally gave in and purchased a bottle of Melatonin. I don't know why it took me so long to take the plunge and buy those miracle pills. I guess I was scared they would leave me drowsy in the morning. That I might possibly sleep through my alarm and be late for work (I despise being late). That something terrible would happen if I took the pills because I am a very strange person and as noted in this post, I have serious anxiety issues with all things irrational.
Regardless, something had to give, so last week I went out and spent the best $8.00 that I have ever spent in my entire life on a bottle of Melatonin. I waited until Saturday night to take one (because I wouldn't have to worry about being drowsy the next day or sleeping through my alarm if I took it on a non-work night), and let me just tell you, that night I got my first full night of sleep in I don't know how long. It was amazing.

My sleeping issues aren't based around going to sleep. I can go to sleep just fine (preferably before 10:00pm actually). My sleep issues come around midnight when I wake back up wide-eyed and ready to go. I usually fall back asleep twenty minutes or so later, but I wake up again three or four times during the night. Repeat this habit every night for the last month and a half, and you have one very sleep deprived and grumpy little lady over here.

The Melatonin has changed all of that. I once again am getting a full night of sleep without waking up one time before my alarm goes off in the morning (oh, and it doesn't make me sleep through my alarm by the way). I am sleeping long enough to have dreams again and waking up fully refreshed in the mornings. I feel like a whole new person these days!

I really don't like the idea of being dependent on a pill to sleep like a normal human, but until my sleep problems resolve themselves, the Melatonin is here to stay!
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  1. I just LOVE melatonin! Seriously, it's the best! The greatest thing about it is that it's all-natural, as your body produces it, but sometimes, it doesn't produce enough. That's where the pill comes in - it accounts for the extra melatonin that your body needs to r.e.s.t. So glad you've been able to get some sleep! I've used Melatonin for years, and I always have some on hand. Once you're sleeping better, I'd recommend you keep it on hand and just take it on the days you feel you need help sleeping, so you won't be dependent on it. That's what works for me :).

  2. So glad you wrote this!! Mike and I have the same issues. Might have to invest in some Melatonin!!

  3. I am fairly certain that getting a full nights sleep is probably the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. If it takes a supplement to make it happen, meh...so be it! Yay for sleep!

  4. I just recently started taking Melatonin as well for sleeping. I love the Trader Joes brand, definitely try those if you live near one. They do help me stay asleep......except the fact I wake up every night at like 12:30, but I go straight back to sleep. I know some people have some wacky dreams since they started taking it, I haven't experienced that, or maybe my dreams are already wacky :)

  5. I so need to try this, mostly mine are dog related but it has been like 4 YEARS since I have gotten a good nights sleep.

  6. Oh wow, who would have thought that would do the trick. Glad to know that has worked out so well for you. I will pass that along to my sister who struggles with going to sleep.

  7. Oh my goodness! I may need to try this. I have similar problems and it's starting to get obnoxious. I have been relating it to stress and anxiety. I can see circles developing under my eyes and who wants that? Thanks for talking about this!

  8. i had these and have tried em. sometimes they work and some times they dont.


  9. I am definitely headed to my local drugstore today after work for some of these little miracle workers. Thank you for sharing.

  10. ahh! I need to try this! Vitamins are sooo good for you in the best ways, I really really really need to get my butt on some of these healthier options!

  11. My BFF takes this and swears by it. While I haven't tried it, I think it's ok to take it-- Girl, you've got a lot on your plate-- get your sleep!

  12. Wow! This is great that it works for you! I've tried it but it didn't work for me :/

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

  13. So glad they work for you!!! Not getting sleep is AWUFL!!!!!

  14. I need to get me some more of this or see if i still have the bottle that i thought i had and can't find.

  15. I am not a power lifter but i do take my work outs fairly seriously and this supplement considerably help with recover time. I'm not as sore, nor do i cramp up like i used to before.
