Four Days


In just four days I will walk down the aisle to my best friend and become his wife.
Words cannot even begin to express the happiness and excitement that I am feeling right now. We have waited sixteen long months for this day to finally come. Sixteen months of planning, stressing, and agonizing over every last detail. Sixteen months and it all comes down to this perfect, special day. 
I've dreamed of my wedding since I was a little girl. I've dreamed of the perfect day, wearing the perfect dress, and walking down the aisle to the perfect man. All my dreams and more are about to come true in just four short days.
I can't wait for Saturday. I can't wait to put on my wedding dress, to hug my dad's neck before he walks me down the aisle, and to see Steven's face the moment those chapel doors open. I can't wait to share special memories with my girls Saturday morning while we get ready, and then to share the best moment of my life with the love of my life when I vow to love him forever and always. 
The next few days will be a blur as we work around the clock to put the finishing touches on every last detail. Then there are the hair appointments, the nail appointments, and the last minute shopping before leaving out on our honeymoon. The next four days are going to fly by, but I am making it my mission to soak in every single minute of the chaos. To soak in all the memories, all the experiences, and all the minutes leading up to the big day. The day that will most certainly be the greatest day of my life to date. 

In just four days I will become a wife. 
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  1. So beautiful!! Soak it all in and enjoy each moment!

  2. Enjoy it! I hope you have a wonderful wedding day!

  3. Soak it all in as much as you can through all of the busy-ness!! SO excited for you!!!! You are going to be a gorgeous bride!!!!

  4. Eeeeeep! 4 days! So happy for you two :)

  5. That is so soon! Have an amazing day!

  6. Ahhh true life I was tearing up reading this because this hits so close to home. Makes me so excited for May and just so excited for y'all! You had me at chapel doors opening...that its he moment I have been envisioning all my life! Happy 4 days hun, xx.

  7. Aw girl I am so happy for you! I wish you all the best of luck and I can't wait to see the pictures!

  8. So happy for you!! Soak it all in! Cannot wait see see all the pictures too :)

  9. YAYY!! I'm so excited for you :) I can't wait to hear all about it!!

  10. Soak it up girl!!! It will all be over so fast..just take your time and try like hell to remember every single detail, especially your husbands face when he sees you in your gown for the first time. I think that was my favorite moment from the entire day besides being announced as husband and wife of course. 3 years for us in July and just writing this short post I'm getting emotional. I hope your day is everything you've ever wanted and MORE!

  11. I am so excited for you! I can't wait to hear all about your big day and see all the beautiful pictures!!!!!

  12. Soak it all in an enjoy every moment. So happy for you two!!

  13. Melting over these pics...soooo excited for you!!!!

  14. Congratulations and enjoy your honeymoon!!!!

  15. I'm so so so excited for you!!! Definitely take time to take it all in and enjoy all the love and support you will receive these next few days. It truly is one of the most magical times in your life! I'm so happy for you!

  16. So so happy for you, lady! It's awesome to be able to follow along with you throughout your engagement and now, soon, your wedding/honeymoon!

  17. So exciting! Brought a little tear to my eye.

  18. So excited for you both! Enjoy these last few days before the wedding and enjoy your wedding day and honeymoon even more :)

  19. AAAhhhhhh I just got giddy for you!! Are you having any instagram hashtags for the wedding?? I might stalk!

  20. I love this! So excited for you! Congratulations!!

  21. SO SO SO SO SO SO happy for you, so happy!
    I cannot wait to creep all the pictures of your gorgeous day!

  22. I'm SO excited for you and will be thinking about you!!! No doubt that you will have the greatest wedding and will be the most beautiful bride EVER!!

  23. Finally catching up on blogs and I can't believe THE BIG DAY has already come and gone. Hope your having a fabulous time on your honeymoon. Congrats!
