Breakfast With Bentley || Five Reasons Why Morning Workouts Rock


 Remember those resolutions you made on January 1st? Well, we're now two full months into 2015. How are they looking now? In case you're like most of us and have begun to slip on your health resolutions, now is the perfect opportunity to get that motivation back and get moving again. 

Not sure where to start? Luckily for you, I have Kristine from Breakfast with Bentley here to kick start your morning workouts and get you back in the game just in time for swim suit season! Take it away, Kristine

Over the past couple of months, I have been making serious changes to my diet and workout routines. I took up weekly Soul-Cycle classes, nabbed an excellent personal trainer who I see twice a week and I go on daily walk/runs with my dog, Bentley. My diet completely changed and I am learning every day how to eat. It’s been a hard yet rewarding process and I’ve seen excellent results thus far.

My biggest struggle is the morning workouts. I am a morning person. Once I’m up, I’m UP. But when your boxer pup is nuzzled in the blankets and the house is quiet, it’s hard to jump start the day. Especially when you know you could totally roll over and sleep for another hour before leaving for work.
There have been successful mornings where I wake up, head off to a 6am Soul-Cycle class or to the gym. But those mornings have been far and few between. My trainer and I workout on Saturday mornings at 7am. At first, I was like, “ugh, who wants to wake up on a SATURDAY at 6:30am to go workout?” But once we started this weekly routine, I noticed how different my day turned out. I was DONE with my workout by 8am.
I had the rest of the day to do what I wanted to do. Shop, lounge, nap, go to the beach, hang with friends, etc. I felt better about myself as a whole because I had worked out in the morning.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. I know that. I’ve been trying my hardest to get up and get into a morning workout routine. I have one morning workout a week under my belt, and I’m working on at least two more.
Below, I listed some reasons why I think morning workouts rock. I will my best to repeat these reasons to myself when my alarm goes off on Thursday morning at 5:15am.
Morning Motivation
5 Reasons Why Morning Workouts ROCK!
1. Your workout is over before the day has even begun.
Who wants to workout AFTER a long day at work? I know I certainly don’t. Those excuses start around 4pm and once I get home and  plop down on the couch, it’s over. Chances of me going to the gym are slim to none. If you workout in the morning, it’s DONE! Hooray! No more dreading the after work workout. 
2. You start your day out on a positive note.
You made the choice to get up and work out. You can’t beat making a positive choice first thing in the morning. When I work out in the morning, I feel that my attitude is different. I’m not knocking afternoon workouts at all, sometimes it’s nice to release the stress of the day in the gym, but setting the tone for the day is important.
3. If you workout in the morning, you are more likely to make better decisions throughout the day.
And by decisions I mean, Should I have a grilled chicken salad or Shake Shack? Nutrition and diet are everything, especially if you are looking to lose weight. Believe me, I’ve learned that lesson the hard way. Working out in the morning sets the tone for your entire day. Knowing that you just sweat out 700+ calories will make your meal choices a bit easier.
4. You will be focused and have better productivity.
Morning workouts increase focus and productivity. After my Saturday morning workouts, I get more accomplished before noon than I would’ve if I didn’t start my morning with a sweat. With my increased energy levels, I tackle my list of things to do, and by noon, I’m done. It’s a great feeling, especially on the weekends.
5. You avoid a crowded gym.
I like to avoid the gym at all costs. I would rather run outside with the dog, or do a great track workout with my trainer. But sometimes when the weather is not so nice, I’ll opt for the gym routine. But what I have noticed is that there aren’t too many early birds who frequent the gym. My gym opens up at 5:30am. There is probably about 20 people max. working out at the time. By 6pm at night, the gym is packed, it’s hard to grab a machine, and even harder to concentrate.
*Side note: I am only certified to convey my thoughts and feelings on the subject. Take it as you will :)


  1. Love this! These are all so true! I really want to start working out more in the mornings but it's so hard! I love my sleep lol

    1. I DO TOO! ugh! It has been a struggle… but I know that with warmer days around the corner, it should get easier and easier! Thanks for reading!

  2. It really is so much easier to get a workout in in the morning than after a long day at work! Now if only I could get my behind out of bed early enough to get a workout in and be ready for work!

    1. Totally agree! There have been times where I've been up early… and just flip on the TV… gotta get that workout in! Thanks for reading!

  3. So true!! Top thing for me is it makes me make the best choice throughout my day. Like you said, I don't want to burn hundreds of calories than ruin it haha.

    1. Exactly! I always feel if I workout in the morning, I will *try* and make better decisions throughout the day! Thanks for reading!

  4. All of these reasons are exactly why I wake up and get my work outs in first thing! I feel so accomplished when I leave for work, and after the first few weeks it is a routine and much easier.

    1. YAY! I'm hoping that by the spring, it will be a routine and then I can add a walk with my dog to the mix! Thanks for reading!

  5. YES! I am definitely a morning workout person. If I don't workout in the morning I KNOW I won't do it later on!

    1. So glad I'm not alone! :) Once it's over with, I feel so much better! Thanks for stopping by and reading!

  6. I switched to morning workouts at the beginning of the year to avoid the crowd of the New Year's resolution-ers after work. You're right, it's SO nice to have workouts out of the way. I'm not sure I'll go back to after work workouts even after the crowds in the afternoon are gone


    1. Such a smart idea!

  7. Yes to all of these! I love having my workouts done early and then I don't have to think about it the rest of the day.

    1. YASSSSSSS! Like right now, I'm dreading the after work workout. I couldn't workout this morning b/c of a meeting, but I need to get one in…


  8. These are such great tips! I need to start a workout routine but with the cold weather, my excuses are running high. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm with you, Lexi! I have a million of them right now, but I just bought a bunch of Jillian Michael's DVD's so I can keep warm in my basement :)
      Thanks for reading!

  9. Love this, and you are so right!! I am in grad school at the moment, and I have a couple of late morning starts, but the sun comes up so late in Ireland that I find it really hard to get myself out of bed to the gym. I do my best writing early in the morning, and often opt to blog instead of gym it up until class starts. I think the idea of a couple mornings a week is a great idea, alternating between days when I get to sit in bed and write and get up and go workout. I, perhaps stupidly, didn't even see that as a possibility before. Thought it was all or nothing *slaps forehead* Thanks xx

    1. YES! That is what I have just started to do! Some days I will take a HOT YOGA class at night, so that morning I get to sleep in… and the other mornings I wake up and break a sweat… as long as it happens!

      Thanks for reading!

  10. Great tips! I keep wanting to push myself to get workouts in first thing in the morning, but sleep always ends up trumping :)

    1. Always! I just posted my top 10 excuses today!
