I've started writing weekly bumpdates as a way to document my pregnancy. I started the week we found out I was pregnant and have written once a week since then. I'm playing catch up right now, so please bear with me for the next few days as I publish the first several weeks of my pregnancy. Starting next week, I will publish these posts once a week. I'm so excited to look back after baby Sparks is here and read about my experiences during this journey!
How far along: 4 weeks
Due Date: November 7, 2015
Due Date: November 7, 2015
Baby is the size of: A poppyseed - less than 0.05 inches long and weighing less than 0.004 ounces
Symptoms: Fatigue, sore chest (ouch!), and cramping
Gender: It's obviously way too early to tell. Steven and I both are leaning towards girl right now, but that will probably change a million times before we find out for certain. We should know if we are having a little lady or a little mister by early June.
Name: We have already decided on both, a girl name and a boy name. We'll announce the name we've chosen as soon as we find out the gender.
Name: We have already decided on both, a girl name and a boy name. We'll announce the name we've chosen as soon as we find out the gender.
Movement: Again, it's way to early to feel anything. I can't wait until the time comes where I can feel those sweet little kicks!
Nursery: Steven is going to have to say goodbye to his man room in the coming months, but we aren't planning to start on anything until we find out the gender.
Maternity Clothes: Nothing needed in this area yet.
Sleep: I've been sleeping a lot and sleeping well. Starting around 7:30 at night, I'm ready for bed. I swear I'm asleep before my head even hits the pillow at night, and I don't budge until my alarm sounds the next morning. I guess I should be soaking all this good sleep in while I can, right?!
Best moment this week: Finding out we were pregnant! I'm still in complete shock. It was such a surreal experience to watch that second line pop up on the pregnancy test. I instantly broke down in tears and started shaking uncontrollably. It was a moment that I will never forget!
Missing anything: Not a thing!
Cravings/Aversions: Neither for the time being. I don't have much of an appetite at all right now, which makes trying to decide what to cook for dinner at night very difficult. The night before we found out I was pregnant Steven and I drove around for an hour trying to decide where to eat. I couldn't make a decision because nothing really sounded appetizing. Maybe that should have been my first clue that something was up!
Mood: Overjoyed, ecstatic, and beside myself happy. I still don't think it's completely sunk in yet for Steven or I that we are having a baby. We're going to be parents!
Looking forward to: Telling our families the joyous news! The day after we found out we were expecting Steven left for a week long work trip, which means I have to keep silent the entire rest of the week until he returns. This is quickly turning into the longest week ever! I can't wait to have the husband back home so we can finally tell our families in person!
Looking forward to: Telling our families the joyous news! The day after we found out we were expecting Steven left for a week long work trip, which means I have to keep silent the entire rest of the week until he returns. This is quickly turning into the longest week ever! I can't wait to have the husband back home so we can finally tell our families in person!
Husband is: Still in shock. I think it took him a little while for the news to sink in, but he is just as overjoyed as I am. The day before he left for his trip we went to Babies R Us to look around and buy gifts that would help us tell our families, and then we went to dinner where we spent the entire meal talking about baby. After he left for the airport the next day he text me and said "I love you mommy!" It seriously brought tears to my eyes! He is going to be the best daddy.
New mommy question: I'm ready to start reading baby books.. Any suggestions on the most helpful books out there? I've already started What To Expect When You're Expecting.
New mommy question: I'm ready to start reading baby books.. Any suggestions on the most helpful books out there? I've already started What To Expect When You're Expecting.
Week 5
How far along: 5 weeks
Due Date: November 7, 2015
Due Date: November 7, 2015
Baby is the size of: An appleseed - about .13 inches long and weighing 0.01 ounces.
Symptoms: Fatigue, sore chest, on and off cramping, and constant thirst. I've been carrying around water 24/7!
Gender: Wayyyy too early still. Steven and I are both thinking girl this week. My parents also think girl, but Steven's parents both think boy. Our best friends who we broke the news to over the weekend are also team pink. We'll know on way or the other in a couple of months!
Name: We're keeping the names we've chosen a secret until we find out the gender in late May.
Name: We're keeping the names we've chosen a secret until we find out the gender in late May.
Movement: I don't anticipate answering yes to this question for several more weeks.
Nursery: We won't start on the nursery until we know the gender, but I already have ideas brewing in my head of what kind of theme and colors I want to work with. I can't wait to get started!
Maternity Clothes: I haven't made any purchases yet, but I did find two cute maternity swim suits from Target and ASOS that I'm thinking about purchasing for the summer.
Sleep: I'm still sleeping great! Daylight Savings really kicked my booty on Monday though. It was so hard to wake up for work, and not having endless amounts of coffee to sip on throughout the day didn't help things.
Best moment this week: Breaking the news to our family! Everyone was so ecstatic to hear the good news. It brings a tear to my eye just thinking back on everyone's reaction! I'll be doing a full post soon revealing how we told our parents and family members.
Missing anything: Nothing at all! I'm way too overjoyed being pregnant to complain about missing anything.
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing that I can think of. I think that's mostly because I don't have much of an appetite right now.
Mood: Nothing short of pure happiness! I don't think I've wiped the smile off my face since the day we found out I was pregnant. I'm so grateful!
Looking forward to: Our first ultrasound. I've been going in to the doctor once a week for blood work, and once my levels reach a certain number they will perform an ultrasound. It should only be another couple of weeks!
Looking forward to: Our first ultrasound. I've been going in to the doctor once a week for blood work, and once my levels reach a certain number they will perform an ultrasound. It should only be another couple of weeks!
Husband is: beyond excited. I think the shock is starting to wear off and it's finally starting the sink in that this is the real deal. He's going to be an amazing daddy!
New mommy question: What are your favorite pregnancy apps? I've downloaded the Babycenter and the What to Expect app. Are there any others you would recommend?
New mommy question: What are your favorite pregnancy apps? I've downloaded the Babycenter and the What to Expect app. Are there any others you would recommend?
Week 6
How far along: 6 weeks
Due Date: November 7, 2015
Due Date: November 7, 2015
Baby is the size of: A sweet pea - .25 inches long and weighing about .01 ounces
Symptoms: Exhaustion! Sunday morning I was awake for less than two hours before crawling back in bed and taking a nice long nap. Besides the fatigue, I've been feeling great! I've had a few waves of nausea here and there, but nothing noteworthy.
Gender: It seems like the majority of our friends and family think girl. Steven's family are the only ones who are sticking to team blue. Steven is still thinking girl, but I'm on the fence. There are certain times when I'm convinced it's a girl and other times I'm determined it's a boy. I will be over the moon thrilled with either! I am just praying for a strong and healthy baby.
Name: We have a name picked out for a boy and a name for a girl. and we will reveal the name after we find out the gender in late May.
Name: We have a name picked out for a boy and a name for a girl. and we will reveal the name after we find out the gender in late May.
Movement: Too early for now, but I can't wait until I can feel those sweet kicks!
Nursery: It's still Steven's man cave for the time being. We will probably start cleaning it out next month and will start transitioning it into a nursery after we find out the gender in May.
Maternity Clothes: I just purchased two dresses from Target. It's still too early to wear them, but I couldn't resist the price tag of only $9.00 a piece!
Sleep: Yes. And lots of it! I've been taking naps during the day when I can, and it's been lights out every night around 8:30 or so. I'm loving my sleep these days!
Best moment this week: Announcing our news to the rest of our family and to a few friends. I love how excited everyone has been! I can't wait until we do a full announcement in a few weeks.
Missing anything: Nothing at all! I'm savoring every bit of being pregnant.
Cravings/Aversions: The only thing I've really been craving is sweets. I really wanted a strawberry cupcake this weekend, but I resisted.
Mood: Overjoyed! This is such an exciting time for Steven and I. We couldn't be happier!
Looking forward to: Our first ultrasound next week! I can't wait to see our little bean on the screen and hear his/her heartbeat for the first time. I just know that it is going to bring me to tears!
Looking forward to: Our first ultrasound next week! I can't wait to see our little bean on the screen and hear his/her heartbeat for the first time. I just know that it is going to bring me to tears!
Husband is: Just as overjoyed as I am! The other day Steven and I were sitting in the living room and he asked me to stand up so he could see if baby S was making his/her appearance yet. The baby bump is still a few weeks away, but the bloat is definitely in full force!
New mommy question: What is the best cream/lotion to use on the belly to avoid stretch marks? I figure I should start lathering this stuff on before the stretching starts. I really hate the feel of lotion, so this is something I'm going to have to adjust to.
New mommy question: What is the best cream/lotion to use on the belly to avoid stretch marks? I figure I should start lathering this stuff on before the stretching starts. I really hate the feel of lotion, so this is something I'm going to have to adjust to.
Not gonna lie, I teared up multiple times reading this post. So happy for you guys!
ReplyDeleteUmmm, which magical Target did you go to that had dresses for $9?!? I'm team blue, too. But I could be biased since Sheffy will need a best friend. And you totally should have gotten that strawberry cupcake. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is so exciting! I am so happy for you two, and I cannot wait to read about how you revealed the news to the family. You look so so happy and beautiful:)
ReplyDeleteLove getting to read these updates! Thanks for sharing and congrats again! Very exciting time :-) xoxo
ReplyDeleteI used Burt's Bees Belly Butter and loved it!! Not a single stretch mark (I know genetics) or itchiness ever!
ReplyDeleteBuy up all the on sale maternity clothes you can find! It may seem silly right now, but when the time comes that you need it, you'll want to spend that money on the baby rather than clothes for yourself! At least that's the case for me!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS! Try Bio-Oil to prevent stretch marks. I mix it with lotion that has elastin in it, but you can use it by itself!
ReplyDeleteI am going to love following along with your weekly updates! I love the next that Steven sent you, so sweet!!! Can't wait to start seeing the man cave transform in to a nursery.
ReplyDeleteLove reading these bumpdates on Baby S already!!! xox
ReplyDeleteMakes me happy! Yay Baby Sparks!!!
ReplyDeleteGlow Nurture and Ovia by Ovuline are two pregnancy apps that I've been using the most =)
ReplyDeleteYay! My favorite app is the Glow Nurture app, great tips every day and pictures as well as reminders. I use both Palmer's Cocoa lotion and Burt's Bees mama lotion (although I think stretch marks are inevitable) :) Looking great, mama!
ReplyDeleteYou are such a cutie! I can't wait to follow along through your journey of becoming a mommy! :)