How far along: 26 weeks!
Due Date: November 7, 2015
Baby is the size of: a head of lettuce. She is probably weighing in near 2.5 lbs and is measuring around 14.5 inches long. Her eyes have been fused shut up until now, but she will soon start to open them. She's also getting in lots of breathing practice by breathing in and out amniotic fluid, and her immune system has begun to prepare her for life outside of my belly!
Symptoms: I've noticed a lot of lower back and hip pain this week. It's definitely time to start listening to my body and taking it easy when I begin to feel achy and run down.
Gender: Our sweet baby GIRL!
Name: Charlie Elizabeth
Movement: She's back to her wild and crazy ways this week moving and grooving all day long. Her kicks are definitely getting stronger these days, and I love feeling every single one of them!
Nursery: We've been so busy these last couple of months that we really haven't gotten as much done in the nursery as I had hoped. August is going to be another crazy month, but I'm hoping to schedule some time to get in there and get some work done. You can see her nursery inspiration here.
Maternity Clothes: Yep. I basically wear the same five outfits to work every single week, but I really don't want to make any more summer purchases.
Sleep: Sleep is hit or miss. I didn't sleep great over the weekend, but I think my hip and back pain contributed to that.
Best moment this week: Spending the weekend on the lake with family. We had so much fun!
Missing anything: Nothing that can't wait until November.
Cravings/Aversions: Popsicles and strawberries sound delicious these days! I'm still not big on the idea of chicken or hot vegetables.
Mood: Feeling good! I've said it before, but I really love pregnancy. I've been so blessed with an easy and stress free pregnancy so far.
Looking forward to: Another busy month with my baby daddy! It's hard to find time to sit down and relax with our schedule these days, but the busy weeks are definitely making this pregnancy fly by. November will be here before we know it!
Husband is: Doing an amazing job taking care of his two girls!
New mommy question: Nothing that I can think of this week.
Due Date: November 7, 2015
Baby is the size of: a head of lettuce. She is probably weighing in near 2.5 lbs and is measuring around 14.5 inches long. Her eyes have been fused shut up until now, but she will soon start to open them. She's also getting in lots of breathing practice by breathing in and out amniotic fluid, and her immune system has begun to prepare her for life outside of my belly!
Gender: Our sweet baby GIRL!
Name: Charlie Elizabeth
Movement: She's back to her wild and crazy ways this week moving and grooving all day long. Her kicks are definitely getting stronger these days, and I love feeling every single one of them!
Nursery: We've been so busy these last couple of months that we really haven't gotten as much done in the nursery as I had hoped. August is going to be another crazy month, but I'm hoping to schedule some time to get in there and get some work done. You can see her nursery inspiration here.
Maternity Clothes: Yep. I basically wear the same five outfits to work every single week, but I really don't want to make any more summer purchases.
Best moment this week: Spending the weekend on the lake with family. We had so much fun!
Missing anything: Nothing that can't wait until November.
Cravings/Aversions: Popsicles and strawberries sound delicious these days! I'm still not big on the idea of chicken or hot vegetables.
Mood: Feeling good! I've said it before, but I really love pregnancy. I've been so blessed with an easy and stress free pregnancy so far.
Looking forward to: Another busy month with my baby daddy! It's hard to find time to sit down and relax with our schedule these days, but the busy weeks are definitely making this pregnancy fly by. November will be here before we know it!
Husband is: Doing an amazing job taking care of his two girls!
New mommy question: Nothing that I can think of this week.

You make pregnancy look good lady!! I can only hope that I can do the same!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the popsicles and strawberries though...well actually all fruit. I've been eating blueberries all day every day!
Gosh you are adorable with your little bump! You need to take ti easy and relax while you still can :) Has Steven gotten to feel that sweet girl kicking yet?
ReplyDeleteYou're looking great girl! And I agree, definitely listen to your body and take it easy when you are feeling tired. This is definitely something I'm not the best at doing, and then I end up feeling super exhausted! It's tough to remember to listen to your body when you feel tired, but you'll feel better in the long run if you do :)
ReplyDeleteI swear I wore the same shorts every day during the summer months of my pregnancy. It's the only time you can get get away with doing that when you find something comfortable! Plus, it's so hard to justify spending a ton (and they always cost about that much) on clothes you'll wear for four or five months!
ReplyDeleteLooking good and I know you're excited than ever to meet your sweet bundle of joy. Good luck with things and hope things continue to go well for you.
ReplyDeleteGirl we've only got 1 more free weekend until Ella's due date. I may or may not be freaking out a little bit! But yay for stress free and uneventful pregnancies for us :) I don't know about you, but I was seriously expecting all the worst things possible.
ReplyDeleteAhhh!! I can't believe how far you are!!! And of course, you look amazing. B and I kept ourselves pretty busy too -- there's just so much to do!! Every time I see your lake pictures, I can't wait to see Ms. Charlie Beth in a cute swimsuit and sunglasses right next to y'all!!
ReplyDeleteSo cute mama! I need your pregnancy wardrobe ASAP! :)
ReplyDeleteSo cute and happy! It's good to be keeping yourself busy, helps time go by and to make sure you're fitting in any last minute baby free dates or activities :)