How far along: 37 weeks! I can't believe I only have (hopefully!!!) no more than three more of these bumpdates to write before little miss makes her arrival.
Due Date: November 7, 2015
Baby is the size of: a winter melon. She's anywhere from 19-22 inches long and weighing around 6.5 pounds or so. I asked my doctor at my appointment yesterday if she could tell by feeling around how big baby girl was, and the doctor told me from my measurements she would say about 6.5 pounds, but take that with a grain of salt because shorter women like me are notorious for hiding big babies. I was nearly 9 pounds at birth and Steven was 23 inches long, so I'm predicting a big baby!
Symptoms: I can tell that baby girl is starting to drop because of all the pressure I'm feeling. Other than that, I'm just having your typical symptoms for being nine months pregnant - aches, swelling (although I was able to slip my wedding rings back on and am still wearing them during the day!), heartburn, and SPD that bothers me mainly at night. Also, my belly button has officially popped!
Gender: Our sweet baby GIRL!
Name: Charlie Elizabeth
Movement: She is definitely running out of room in there! I'm still feeling her moving around, but instead of getting the usual kicks and punches I've been getting rolls and body parts stretching. I keep trying to tell her that if she would just come out there is much more room for her to stretch and move as she please. She doesn't seem to be listening to me though...
Nursery: DONE and it's my most favorite room ever! I have already spent so much time in this little room, and I can't wait to bring our daughter home to it. You can see her nursery reveal here.
Labor Signs: As of yesterday at my doctor's appointment I wasn't dilated at all. Boo!! The NST did, however, show that I was having a few contractions. Hopefully those start to pick up soon so we can get this show on the road! I can also tell that she has started to drop. My bump is definitely lower and the pressure down low is much more intense these days.
I've also reached the point in pregnancy where anytime I call someone they think I've gone into labor. I called my mom one morning last week to tell her I was dropping something off at her house on my way to work and she answered the phone in a very concerned tone. The same thing happened last week when we called Steven's grandmother to thank her for a sweet baby outfit she made and sent to us.
Sleep: Not great, but not terrible either. I wake up every couple of hours to switch from one side to the other because of the hip and leg pain, but I usually fall back asleep pretty easily. Surprisingly enough, I can still make it through most nights without getting up for a potty break!
Best moment this week: This year for my birthday I asked my parents to send a cleaning service out to my house to give it a good deep clean before the baby came. The cleaning crew came out Monday and cleaned our house from top to bottom. We live in a really old house, so no matter how often I clean I still find dust. The dust combined with the endless amount of dog hair leads to one messy home! The crew was there for several hours on Monday, and I was so pleased with the way my house looked when they left. Hopefully everything stays this sparkling clean until after baby is born so we can bring her home to a clean house! Thanks again mom and dad for the awesome birthday gift!!
Missing anything: Fitting into normal clothes. At this point, even my maternity clothes are starting to get too small. I have maybe three or four things that still fit, so I'm pretty much rocking the same outfit everyday. If I could get away with wearing Steven's tshirts to work for these last few days, I totally would.
Cravings/Aversions: The sweet tooth is still at an all time high. I'm using the excuse that I only have a couple more weeks to indulge before getting this baby weight off.
Mood: Anxious and ready to meet my girl!! Her due date is 17 days away, and I am counting down every minute! How in the world am I going to keep myself occupied for the next two and a half (or so) weeks?!
Looking forward to: My last day of work is on Friday (more on that tomorrow) and then we are officially on baby watch!
Husband is: Ready for this nesting phase of mine to be over and done with! I know I'm driving him crazy with my endless "honey do list," but he is taking it like a champ! He's also more than ready to meet his baby girl. Thinking about him holding her for the first time seriously brings me to tears. I can't wait to witness that moment!
New mommy question: What are your favorite freezer meals and crockpot recipes? I want to go ahead and stock up next week since I'll be off work and looking for ways to keep myself occupied while waiting on this little girl to make her arrival.

Due Date: November 7, 2015
Baby is the size of: a winter melon. She's anywhere from 19-22 inches long and weighing around 6.5 pounds or so. I asked my doctor at my appointment yesterday if she could tell by feeling around how big baby girl was, and the doctor told me from my measurements she would say about 6.5 pounds, but take that with a grain of salt because shorter women like me are notorious for hiding big babies. I was nearly 9 pounds at birth and Steven was 23 inches long, so I'm predicting a big baby!
Symptoms: I can tell that baby girl is starting to drop because of all the pressure I'm feeling. Other than that, I'm just having your typical symptoms for being nine months pregnant - aches, swelling (although I was able to slip my wedding rings back on and am still wearing them during the day!), heartburn, and SPD that bothers me mainly at night. Also, my belly button has officially popped!
Gender: Our sweet baby GIRL!
Name: Charlie Elizabeth
Movement: She is definitely running out of room in there! I'm still feeling her moving around, but instead of getting the usual kicks and punches I've been getting rolls and body parts stretching. I keep trying to tell her that if she would just come out there is much more room for her to stretch and move as she please. She doesn't seem to be listening to me though...
Nursery: DONE and it's my most favorite room ever! I have already spent so much time in this little room, and I can't wait to bring our daughter home to it. You can see her nursery reveal here.
I've also reached the point in pregnancy where anytime I call someone they think I've gone into labor. I called my mom one morning last week to tell her I was dropping something off at her house on my way to work and she answered the phone in a very concerned tone. The same thing happened last week when we called Steven's grandmother to thank her for a sweet baby outfit she made and sent to us.
Sleep: Not great, but not terrible either. I wake up every couple of hours to switch from one side to the other because of the hip and leg pain, but I usually fall back asleep pretty easily. Surprisingly enough, I can still make it through most nights without getting up for a potty break!
Missing anything: Fitting into normal clothes. At this point, even my maternity clothes are starting to get too small. I have maybe three or four things that still fit, so I'm pretty much rocking the same outfit everyday. If I could get away with wearing Steven's tshirts to work for these last few days, I totally would.
Cravings/Aversions: The sweet tooth is still at an all time high. I'm using the excuse that I only have a couple more weeks to indulge before getting this baby weight off.
Mood: Anxious and ready to meet my girl!! Her due date is 17 days away, and I am counting down every minute! How in the world am I going to keep myself occupied for the next two and a half (or so) weeks?!
Looking forward to: My last day of work is on Friday (more on that tomorrow) and then we are officially on baby watch!
Husband is: Ready for this nesting phase of mine to be over and done with! I know I'm driving him crazy with my endless "honey do list," but he is taking it like a champ! He's also more than ready to meet his baby girl. Thinking about him holding her for the first time seriously brings me to tears. I can't wait to witness that moment!
New mommy question: What are your favorite freezer meals and crockpot recipes? I want to go ahead and stock up next week since I'll be off work and looking for ways to keep myself occupied while waiting on this little girl to make her arrival.

Oh my goodness I'm just so excited for you! You look beautiful and your sweet baby girl is going to be so gorgeous too! I wish I could bring you meals once she gets here! I have made ground beef (and froze it) to throw into pasta sauce or to season for tacos… Not exactly a frozen meal, but eliminating steps helps a lot too.
ReplyDeleteSoooo close, mama!!!! xx
ReplyDeleteThe final countdown!!!! Man the months are just flying by. How exciting!!!! Hopefully we can pull off our last girls night next week, then she can come anytime ;)
ReplyDeleteHAH yes! I know what you mean about calling anyone and they assume youre in labor! Too funny! Little baby will be here in NO TIME at all!!!!!! Blessings, mama!!!!
ReplyDeletelove all your cute bump dates! you're getting so close! good luck to you & can't wait to see your little squish :) xox
ReplyDeleteYou are SO close my dear! You and that babes make for the cutest bump!
Love the leopard print!! I know how long these last days feel with all the excitement and the physical pressure but you are SO close. Try to sleep when you can 😊 So exciting. Also the gift of cleaners is an awesome idea.