Life lesson #1:
Thursday night margaritas almost always lead to Friday morning hangovers.
But as long as you thoroughly enjoy those margaritas & the friends you are drinking them with, the hangovers are usually worth it. My pounding head is currently trying to tell me otherwise, but I still believe my margarita night was worth it. Kind of like wearing the kick ass heels that hurt like hell are worth pain that you will inevitably endure the whole time they are on your feet.
Here is how this pounding head of mine all began.
The weather yesterday was gorgeous, so naturally one of my girlfriends & I decided that we just had to do happy hour somewhere on a patio so we could enjoy the weather. Margaritas tend to get a bit expensive after the happy hour specials are over, so we did the responsible thing
& checked out as soon at 7:00 hit.
That was the last responsible decision that I made last night.
I was halfway home when I got a phone call from another girlfriend asking if I wanted to meet her for a drink. I should have probably asked for a rain check & gone about my merry way, but we hadn't go out in far too long & we had so much gossip to catch up on. I caved, said I would love to meet up & told her to pick the place. Naturally, she decided on margaritas at a mexican restaurant. Several hours & many margaritas later we practically closed the restaurant down.
My head hurts like hell now & I still have a full day of work ahead of me.
At least it's Friday!