How do I look?


Notice anything different around these parts today?!
This little blog finally got a much needed makeover thanks to Laura at Sophie & Rory. Laura was wonderful to work with, so if you are looking for a new design, check out her Etsy shop here.
Part of what made Laura so great to work with was how spot on she was with creating exactly what I wanted. I’m not even really sure how she accomplished this because when she asked me what I was looking for, what kind of styles I liked, etc. my answers sounded a little something like this: “umm, I like clean lines.” “Something that isn’t too overwhelming.” “Umm....” Then she asked for a picture to use and I couldn’t make up my mind, so I gave her about six pictures and told her to pick what she liked best.
In short, I am crazy indecisive and couldn’t even explain to her what kind of styles I like, and somehow she still managed to pull out this design which is exactly what I was looking for. Oh, and her prices? They are extremely reasonable!
Thanks again, Laura! 


  1. It looks so pretty! That's the best thing about blog designer is you can usually give them very little to work with and they somehow give you this great masterpiece that is everything you ever wanted, without saying it. I gave Whitney my colors and that I wanted clean lines and gave her a color picture and bam! I got what I have now :)

  2. First time to your blog, so I never saw the old version, but definitely like this design! I also like the blog name...and YOUR name, LOL. Found you via The Southern Thing. I am in the south too - Charleston, SC. New follower, hope you'll follow back! xoxo

  3. Love the design! It's so fresh!
