Apparently I woke up this morning feeling like I needed to put it all out there for the world to see, so here you go, a few of my latest confessions.
I confess that... there are still Christmas presents piled up in the guest bedroom. I had ever intention of putting them away this weekend, but then I decided to watch the Golden Globes instead.
I confess that... Even though I've made a resolution to cook dinner at least three nights a week, I settled for a sticking a Stouffer's boxed dinner in the oven last night instead.
I confess that... This past weekend was the last weekend until after the wedding that we don't have plans (mostly to be out of town), and I suddenly became very stressed out.
I confess that... In an attempt to keep my hair healthy before the wedding, I have cut back from washing it everyday to washing it every other day or, if I can stand it, washing it every three days. #gross
I confess that... I have a problem with finding an outfit that I really love and then wearing it over and over again to the point of excessive. After a few months I will hang it back in my closet and probably never wear it again.
I confess that... there are still picture frames in my house that I put out when we moved in August without pictures in them. A few weeks ago this was every picture frame in the house, so I am at least making an effort. Baby steps.


When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging about a year and a half ago, but only in the last like 6 months have I really been super active. I was a journalism major in college, but the only writing I’d been doing was grant writing- which is not enjoyable. I needed more of a creative outlet.
How did you come up with the name of your blog?
I graduated from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. I very much fell in love with college life, and life in Athens in general. So it was pretty difficult to get used to life postgrad. Hence Life After Athens. Thankfully almost 5 years later, I’m happy in Cleveland, though miss Athens on a daily basis!
I graduated from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. I very much fell in love with college life, and life in Athens in general. So it was pretty difficult to get used to life postgrad. Hence Life After Athens. Thankfully almost 5 years later, I’m happy in Cleveland, though miss Athens on a daily basis!
What can people expect when they visit your blog?
There is a little bit of everything on Life After Athens. I got married a little over a year ago, so being a newly(ish)wed is a large part of what I blog about. And really just crossing the line between being an easy going college kid into adulthood.
What three words best describe you?
Genuine, Spaz, Stubborn
Genuine, Spaz, Stubborn
What are some of your favorite hobbies?
I watch an obscene amount of TV, but I love it. Playing video games with my husband (Mario Bros for the Wii U for the win!). Cooking- I normally try at least 1-2 new recipes a week (hey- maybe that’s a good resolution- share new recipes on the blog). Spending time with friends (we have weekly friend dinners). Sleeping- but really, I love naps.
I watch an obscene amount of TV, but I love it. Playing video games with my husband (Mario Bros for the Wii U for the win!). Cooking- I normally try at least 1-2 new recipes a week (hey- maybe that’s a good resolution- share new recipes on the blog). Spending time with friends (we have weekly friend dinners). Sleeping- but really, I love naps.
Some would argue that your frozen meal was cooking, as you did have to put it in the oven and all....just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteSometimes a box dinner is just necessary to ones mental health! Haha! I am totally guilty of wearing a favorite outfit way to many times. For the pictures frames I would just say they are long lost relatives! ;)
ReplyDeleteYou'll notice SUCH a difference in your hair after a while! I don't wash mine everyday but dry shampoo is definitely a god send!
ReplyDeleteI try not to wash my hair everyday and it is so hard for me too!!
ReplyDeleteI have washed my hair every other day since I was in high school. I have VERY VERY VERY thick hair that takes forever to style and since I color it, it can be dry enough where I can get away with it. :) You are not alone.
ReplyDeleteUnless I work out & get really sweaty I don't wash my hair everyday.