Remember Me?


Oh, hey there! Give me just a minute to dust off all the cobwebs around this little space of mine. You may have noticed that I've been a bit absent this week. I have a good excuse though, I promise. 

You see, this week I did something that I swore to myself I would never, ever do again. I went back to school. Granted, I only went back for four days, but it was still rough. One the plus side, I did get to wear my old college attire of oversize t-shirts and Nike shorts or leggings everyday. #silverlining 

This week instead of my usual routine of working, blogging, and happy hour, I woke up, poured as much caffeine as possible into my mouth, and then went to class from 8:00am to 5:00pm every single day. I then came home to do "homework" for the rest of the evening before passing out promptly at 9:00pm. Exciting life, right? The lecture that I had the pleasure to listen to for eight hours a day was on non other than insurance. Yep. Just when you thought that this week couldn't get any more exciting I went and threw you that curve ball. 

Just imagine sitting in a lecture hall listening to non other than a lecture on personal and commercial insurance for eight hours straight, four days in a row

But, when it's all said and done, I will (hopefully) be able to call myself a licensed insurance agent. Granted I can pass the state exam on Thursday... The exam that only has a 41% passing rate. Yikes!

It's safe to say that I will be locking myself up in my room studying until Thursday morning. You know, just as soon as I get home from partying at the lake this weekend. 

Actually, I think I could get used to doing the college thing again.
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  1. this post is my entire life story. except, I work 8-5 then come home and do school work until somewhere around 11 to midnight. it truly is exhausting, ha! at least yours is only 4 days. you got this girl, you're gonna ace that thing!! <33333

  2. Yay about school! That is awesome! I just finished my stint in school and got my degree in Comm Studies! It is exhausting!! You got this!

  3. More power to you girl! I don't think I could sit through a class anymore! You are going to rock your test!!!!!

  4. Congrats & good luck on your test! :)

  5. Sometimes I think that I would love to go back to school, but then I remember the homework and projects and studying. Plus, I really like the making money part about having a job!

  6. girl, you got this! My boo thang works in insurance and takes tests to be licensed in various states and he says people are intimidated, but that their not too bad! You got this!

  7. Good luck girl, you got this. Just focus on the prize ahead.

  8. hey--norts and oversized tees are a definite plus. girl you got this---just breathe and it will all fall into place (with a bit of studying and caffeine of course) crossing my fingers and sending some prayers your way!!

  9. That's a lot of school in a short period of time!

    Sunflowers & Love

  10. This is the perfect time to obtain additional education! Wishing you success on the licensing exam! Love, Kat

  11. That's great, you will be ah-mazing!!!!!

  12. I can't imagine going back to school. Good Luck on your exam. I'll be praying for you.
