If ever I'm having a bad day, or maybe just an "off " day, I usually wind up nose deep in Pinterest scrolling through the quote section (after I pour myself a large glass of Chardonnay, of course). There is something about the uplifting and motivating words on that page that pick me up out of my slump and make me feel inspired.
I love when I find a quote that speaks true to myself or my current situation. In fact, I'm notorious for changing my computer background at least once a week to a new set of words that inspire and motivate me to take on the days ahead.
It wasn't long ago that I was doing my usual sip and scroll when I came across this quote (bonus points for the pretty gold and black layout). I pinned it, saved it for a possible background picture, and moved on about my business. Then, last week I wrote about slowing down, and while writing that post I found myself repeating this quote in my head over and over again.
Could this be the real reason why I rush through every stage of life, anxiously waiting for the next chapter to unfold? Am I really comparing myself and my life to the people around me? It's possible.
The truth is, I've always been the "young one" of my group of friends. The baby. It's a playful joke that I've embraced and come to love. I don't mind being younger than my friends. I certainly don't feel any younger when I'm around them. But maybe, just maybe, our age difference is playing a bigger role in my life than I realized. Maybe having friends who were getting engaged and married while I was still trying to pass an exam in college left an impression on me. Maybe my baby fever came earlier than most my age because I've already spent years attending baby showers and rocking my friends' infant children to sleep. Maybe that's why I've spent so many years rushing through life, hurrying to get to the next chapter. I was comparing my beginning to someone else's middle.
Maybe it took 25 years, an addicting site we call Pinterest, and a glass of Chardonnay to come to this Realization, but I think I've just cracked the code on my tendencies to rush my life away. I'm wasn't in a hurry to get to the next stage of my life, I was just trying to play catch up with my friends.
For #Blogtober2014

Such a great reminder!!
ReplyDeletelove this morgan---a perfect reminder. I am a huge quote girl and this one is perfect. thanks for sharing!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is sometimes the hardest lesson to learn. I'm currently seeing so many bloggers (especially) confirming pregnancy news and newly married enjoying married life. I want that. I can't wait for all of that to happen to me, but I have to remind myself that my time will come and to enjoy the moments I have right now, without all of the extra stress and worry that all brings.
ReplyDeleteI think people also expect you to start rushing things once you get married-buy a house, make babies... all the things they think you should be doing.
ReplyDeleteI love this quote! I've heard this quote before and work hard to remember it in my low moments.
ReplyDeleteLove this! It's so easy for me to compare myself to other people's success. I just need to remember that I can get there too, it just might take a little longer - and that's okay. Great quote!
ReplyDeleteThis quote is perfect and so true!!! I know when I was younger and my friends were all getting married, it made me worry. A lot. But then I realized that they are just in a different stage of life than me, and that was ok. We only get one life, we gotta live it our way and enjoy the moment we are in!
ReplyDeleteLove that quote, it couldn't be more fitting! Such a great reminder. I tend to compare to others too, then realize they're easily 5 years older than me and maybe I am where I'm supposed to be after all.
ReplyDeleteWow. I'm totally guilty of this. I love your perspective and I'm glad to be reminded that I still have opportunities ahead of me - time to stop rushing to get to them!
ReplyDeleteI love this reminder. I've been so guilty of this recently.