

Loving || That the holidays are just right around the corner!  

Writing || Unfortunately, not much at the moment. You may have already noticed, but I'm suffering from a major case of writers block at the moment. I used to have an endless stream of blog topics running through my mind at all times, but lately the section of my brain that is devoted to blogging/writing has been filled with nothing other than cobwebs. 

Reading || What To Expect Before You're Expecting. Calm down, we are not expecting a little one yet. I do, however, like to do my research on things and I've actually found this book to be really helpful. For instance, did you know that you are supposed to cut things like raw tuna out of your diet 3-6 months before you attempt to conceive? I had no idea!

Watching || Thanks to Netflix, Steven and I have started re-watching Friday Night Lights. We started last week from the very beginning of the series and after a lazy day at the house on Sunday, we are now on season two. I forgot how emotional this show is. I've already seen the entire series once so I know what happens, but that doesn't keep the tears from flowing during the emotional scenes. Also, Tim Riggins is just as swoon worthy as always. 

Craving || Thanksgiving food! Specifically, my grandmother's delicious Cornbread Dressing. I can't wait to get some of that deliciousness in my belly next Thursday. Also, can you believe that Thanksgiving is only one week away?!

Wishing || That the weekend would hurry up and get here. This week seems to be dragging on for some reason, and I'm ready to sit back with a glass of wine in hand and relax. 

Needing || To start tackling my Christmas shopping. I actually already have a small pile of presents waiting to be wrapped. I think this is the first year that I've ever gotten a jump start on Christmas shopping. I usually wait until after Thanksgiving. That being said, I still have a long way to go before I'm through and I really need to get on it. 

Wanting || To decorate for Christmas. Is it too early to do that yet? I didn't think so either. In fact, I think I'm going to tackle that project this weekend. I can't wait to pick out our Christmas tree and pull out all of our decorations. We've purchased new living room floor since last Christmas, so I have no idea where we are going to fit our tree. I'm sure with a little big of reorganizing we will find a spot for it. 

Feeling || Relaxed. Yesterday after work I treated myself to a massage, and it was fantastic! 

Hoping || For a calm and peaceful ending to 2014. It's been one hell of a year, and I can't believe there is only (a little over) one month left. 2014, you're going to be a hard year to beat!


I'm thrilled to introduce you today to Lauren from Lot 48. Lauren is a fellow newlywed who married her sweet husband only a couple of months before Steven and I tied the knot. Lauren's writing is so inspirational, and her balance of tough topics and light-hearted fun keeps me coming back to her blog day after day. Just read below and you'll see exactly what I'm taking about. When you're done make sure you head over and tell Lauren hello! 

hi i'm lauren!!! i was married in february and am still living in the newlywed bubble. the goal of my blog is to entertain and inspire. you will find funny stories, inspirational thoughts and lots of internet hugs. i am a social media coordinator at a company that owns several online universities and am loving it. it truly is amazing how i got that job and how much i am loving it.  it lined up so perfectly. and i was only unemployed for one month!! i am so blessed.
How did you come up with the name of your blog? 
you can read about that here but to tell you in nutshell, I LOVE television.  you probably recognize lot 48 as being the lot that leslie knope tries to build a park on in parks and recreation.  yes, i do love parks and rec, but that isn't why i named my blog that.  it is because my dream is to be a sitcom writer and the "lot" part of the name can also refer to a studio lot.  i lived in  LA and worked for two production companies and saw so many studio lots.  and also, leslie knope works for years and years to accomplish her dream.  that is a woman i want to be.  i'm trying really hard here to make sure you don't think i am a parks and rec freak!! but you should always work hard and tirelessly and patiently for your dreams.  for me, that is waiting to be a sitcom writer and moving back to LA. 

What three words best describe you and why? 
 courageous, funny, nurturing 

What are some of your favorite hobbies? 
blogging!! i really can't believe it this much! i never would have expected that when i started. 

What is your favorite movie and why? 
warrior.  i can't even.  i just can't.  i can't put into words why it is the best movie of all time.  i just can't.  it is too close to my heart.  each time i watch it, it leaves me feeling like i can do ANYTHING and that i am capable of much more than i ever thought.  no movie makes me feel as good as that one. and it is SO DARN GOOD.  go watch it NOW. 

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? 
i am a firm believer in loving yourself, all the parts that God gave you.  He gave you this body, this mind, your spirit.  so i could change one thing, it would be to have more self love.  to love myself more.  to appreciate my body more.

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  1. Thanksgiving food is by far my favorite! Is it next Thursday yet?? I binged FNL on Netflix awhile back. I never watched it while it was on but I LOVED it.

  2. I'm SO ready for the holidays! And I totally decorated for Christmas already, so it's definitely not too early in my opinion! With that being said, I'm also really looking for to all the Thanksgiving food next week. Food coma, here I come!

  3. I really wanted to pull my Christmas stuff out last Sunday, but with all the rain it didn't happen. Since I am going out of town this weekend...I might try to get it up the day I get back. I like to enjoy it as long as possible. It is never too early for happiness!!!!

  4. OMG I HATED when the series came to an end. So many life lessons can be learned from this series!!

  5. I can't wait for the upcoming holidays either and gosh I really really need to get started on my Christmas shopping too!

  6. I am so excited for Thanksgiving food as well! And I already started decorating so I say go for it :)

  7. For our first wedding anniversary, my hubby also bought me that "what to expect before expecting" book, and I thought it was super helpful. Praying that you're a fertile myrtle so that you don't have to deal will silly ole fertility stuff!!!!

  8. I am SO ready for ALL of the Thanksgiving food. And ps...I love those shoes!

  9. I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving either! I've already had two Friendsgivings (meaning, we couldnt wait any longer for the delicious food) and I'm still craving more! Ooops!

    XO Chloe
    A Latte Lipstick
