Thank You


I want to start by saying a huge thank you! I am overwhelmed by the response that I got from Wednesday's post. I had tears in my eyes reading your encouraging comments and emails. Thank you to all those who reached out to me with positive thoughts, inspiring words, or stories of your similar situations. I appreciate each and every one of you!

Sometimes it's hard for me to wrap my head around this whole blogging concept. My husband is one of my biggest supporters, but even he doesn't fully grasp the concept of blogging and putting my life out on the internet for anyone and everyone to read and judge. I have to tell you, when I started this blog one day on a whim out of boredom, never did I imagine then that I would still be coming to this space everyday, much less did I imagine the friends and connections that I've made through blogging.

Just last night, in fact, I spent happy hour with a fabulous group of ladies, all whom I met through blogging. I've made friends who live across the country and connected with women who share the same struggles and triumphs as I do. It's pretty crazy when I sit back and think about.

So again, thank you. Thank you for showing me that it's ok to open myself up and show the struggles in my life. It's easy for us to highlight the victories and triumphs, but it's much more difficult to show the hard times. I know that I appreciate it when others open up and show their vulnerability. After all, who wants to read about someone's "perfect life" all the time? Not me.
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  1. I've been thinking of you since reading your post as well. May your prayers be answered but just remember all in his time. (not a thing a type A deals with easily)

  2. The amazing blog world and people who are out there is what's keeping me holding on. I haven't been great about blogging lately- but I'm just not ready to say goodbye to this amazing community! I've been thinking about you the past few days- big hugs from Ohio!

  3. I for one, am glad you started this blog because I get to call you a friend all because of blogging!!! Last night was so much fun and we certainly must meet up again soon!

  4. I am so glad you started this little bloggy! If not, how would I ever get to know you?!? You're so sweet and awesome, and I can't wait to hang out again!

  5. I wish there were more bloggers around here!! I would love to meet up with a few for happy hour! Too bad I live in the boonies.

  6. Love you girl & so glad that I've met you through blogging . . . just wish we could have happy hour get togethers too :)
