While I Was Away


Give me a minute to dust off the cobwebs over here. I apologize for the silence as of late. Things have been quite busy, and I've had little time leftover to devote to this little space. Everything seems to be slowing down just a bit, and I'm hoping to get back on a regular routine soon. 

So, what have I been up to? Well, this past weekend I joined some fabulous ladies in Nashville to celebrate our favorite bride-to-be!
We had a blast partying through Broadway, eating delicious meals, and celebrating our last girl's weekend before this sweet friend becomes a Mrs! 

Before partying in Nashville, however, Steven and I had a to take care of a few things around the house. Prior to last week, this is what my living room looked liked.. 
How in the world did that happen? Well, somehow over time water was leaking into the wall from the bricks outside. The couch normally sits in front of this wall, so it took months before we noticed anything was wrong. I was cleaning the large window behind the couch one day and just happened to look down in between the couch and the wall. That was when I noticed the buckling of the wall and a very visible crack in the sheetrock. Thankfully we caught the water damage in time and were able to get it repaired. 

In between weekend getaways and home repair, I've also been planning a small party to celebrate the husband turning the big 3-0 next week! We are planning a get together with family and friends Saturday night, and I can't wait! It's going to be a blast!

And of course, we are ending our days like this most nights because after working all day, fixing issues around the house, and planning fun events, I'm left utterly exhausted! I look forward to coming home each and every night and cuddling up with my sweet babies. 
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  1. That is such a cute invite. Birthday's are so much fun to celebrate. Glad that you found the leak.

  2. We saw twelve bachelorette parties in Nashville on Saturday! It was such a beautiful day to be out and about! So glad you enjoyed! :)

  3. That is such a cute invite! I love it :) This same time last year is when we had a similar issue with our kitchen wall, in the end it makes me feel better knowing the problem is fixed even if it is a hassle to fix it!

  4. What a fun party invite! You have a lot of fun going on, despite the water leak ugh, and I hope you're enjoying this time!

  5. I love the invite you have for Steven's party!!! Sounds like you girls had a great time in Nashville. That is just awful about the water damage! Sometimes owning a home is not fun. We had a pipe in our guest bathroom bust a few weeks back and leak into our garage. Good times! Can't wait til Thursday :)

  6. You look so gorgeous in your Nashville pics!! So photogenic!! Ugh, I would have gone into all sorts of ragey mad seeing that water damage -- of course, I'm pretty irrational nowadays. :) Can't wait to see you Thursday!!

  7. Nashville is the perfect place for a bachelorette; gorgeous in the photos!! Such a bummer with that wall but at least it's fixed now! The birthday party will be so much fun - I'm already thinking about my husband's in the fall! Love your sweet pup at the end!

  8. So glad that y'all were able to find and fix the damage before it became an even bigger problem! And isn't it nice to be able to just come home at the end of a long day at work and cuddle with your precious babies? And they never complain! Mostly...

  9. Sounds like life's been busy and GREAT! <3

  10. Sounds like you had so much fun in Nashville! Sometimes we just get so overwhelmingly busy that its practically impossible to take time to blog and do those other hobbies we have! Glad you're back! Hope you're getting some relaxing done too!

  11. Holy geez that sucks about your wall! Thank goodness you caught it before there was major structural damage. Isn't being an adult fun?!

  12. I hope Stevens party was a blast!
