Apparently the theme of the week is my dogs.
Really though, that's pretty much the theme of my life.
Tuesday night the fiancé and I decided that Kane had outgrown his crate and it was time to purchase him a larger one. Does anyone else know how damn expensive dog crates are? Anyway, a crate, a dog bed, and $200 later, Kane upgraded from his apartment to a full blown mansion. As much as I complained about handing over that much money for a damn dog crate, I feel much better leaving him alone all day knowing that he has more room to move and play.
So happy to have all that room!
Yep, it's big enough to fit both of us. (I'll blame this picture on the margaritas I consumed at dinner)
Obviously Cooper was not impressed with Kane's new mansion (He does have the entire house as his "crate" after all).
I figured since my dogs are apparently living the dream I would go out with some girl friends and do the same.
Wednesday night (aka wine wednesday) got the best of me. I guess when you start drinking the minute the clock strikes 5:00 until the wee hours of the night 10:00 pm a hangover is pretty much inevitable. I blame the half priced bottles of wine.
Now I'm off to find some advil and a vitamin water revive...