Birthday Celebrations


Steven and I took a road trip to Georgia Saturday to celebrate the birthdays of my (very soon to be) father-in-law and sister-in-law. Steven's dad's birthday was on Friday and his sister's birthday is today (happy birthday, Morgan!!) (and yes, we do share the same name), so we spent the whole weekend celebrating.
First stop on the way to Georgia was obviously Starbucks because a road trip just isn't complete without a Starbucks coffee in hand and Pinterest going on the iPad.
Saturday night we went out for a celebration dinner followed by an intense game of putt-putt. I actually surprised myself early in the game with how well I was playing (in heels I might add!), but my glory was short lived because after a hole-in-one on the second hole it all went downhill. I'm pretty positive that I ended up coming in last place. 
The celebrating continued on into Sunday with a delicious red velvet cake and a birthday lunch. 
Steven and I were exhausted when we made it back into town on Sunday afternoon, but that didn't stop us from celebrating one more birthday. My first born fur-child turned 5 years old yesterday! I guess this means that my little puppy dog isn't really a puppy anymore (and hasn't been for years), but he is still mommy's baby. I love that little fur monster with all my heart!
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  1. Haha a starbucks and pinterest road trip...I love it! Perfection!!!! xx

  2. Roadtrips aren't complete until Starbucks cup is in hand. =D Love it. Happy Birthday to your little munchkin!

  3. Love that you were pinning on the drive!! Sounds like it was a blast of a weekend!

  4. Looks like so much fun! You're fur baby is the cutest!!

  5. YAY to birthday celebrations!!!

    PS .. i have a GIVEAWAY going on .. love for you to stop by and spread the good karma!

  6. Love that Pinterest helped get you through the road trip. Putt putt is so fun. Happy Birthday to your first born furchild. ;)

  7. Good lord that is a cute dog!!! Peekingese?

  8. Can't start a road trip without a good ole cup of Starbucks! haha, actually I cant start anything without my Starbucks!!

  9. looks like an awesome time!! i love put put :)

  10. Do you stop at the Starbucks in Oxford? That is where I always stop to break up the trip on 20 into Atlanta! Looks like you had a fun weekend full of birthday goodness! I am just awful at miniature golf. Take me bowling or golfing and I always finish last and make everyone look good!

  11. I LOVE putt putt! I can't wait until it's warm enough in my neck of the woods to actually go! Or regular golf for that matter!

  12. You came to Georgia and didn't come see me. hehe j/k What part of Georgia? What town rather? Lets see if I've heard of it before LOL. Glad ya'll had a great time. You won't believe this probably but I've never had starbucks. LOL. The cake looks good. hope your fur baby had a great one. I'm sure she did with great parents like you two.

    following you on gfc. would love a follow back.

    Would love you for to join the hops.

  13. I live for little weekend trips like this! Soo much fun :)

  14. Happiest 5th birthday! My oldest will be 5 (she's a Shih Tzu) this year! Everytime I call the groomer to schedule her appointment, I say, "My puppy needs a groom." They say, "Aww, how old is she?" I'm like "... four years old." haha!!
