Once again, I'm a few weeks late posting Charlie Beth's monthly update. Baby girl is definitely keeping me busy these days, and I'm finding myself with little time to sit down and write. She's growing by the minute, and she has the absolute best personality!
Six months, a full half of year, has come and gone since you came into our lives. It's easily been the best and most rewarding six months of my life. As I sit in the floor with you, watching you explore your toys and try so desperately to crawl across the room, I can't believe just how fast you have grown. Where did my tiny newborn baby go?
We had your six month doctor's appointment this month, and you have certainly grown since your last visit! You are currently right at 18lbs and a little over 27" long. You are still so tall, just like your daddy. You're wearing 6-9 month clothes (even an occasional 12 month) and wearing size 3 diapers.
You are growing like a weed, baby girl! speaking of growing, you are finally starting to grow some hair on top of that bald head of yours! You are definitely going to have dark hair, but we also think that it will probably be curly. Mama is sure hoping for curls at least!
You still don't have any teeth yet, but we think they will probably be coming soon. The drool is getting worse by the day, and you rarely take those fingers out of your mouth.
This month has seen a pretty big regression when it comes to sleep. You figured out how to roll over in your rock n play, so we had to make the transition out of it. Mama wasn't quite ready to move you into your crib in your own room, so we attempted to move you to the pack n play. It's been ROUGH! Most nights you end up sleeping in bed with mommy. It's the only way any of us are getting any sleep! It's fine, I will be sure to remind you of this when you are sixteen and all you want to do is sleep! ;)
This was a big month for mommy, too. After weeks of stressing about it, I dropped you off to stay the weekend with your grandparents while mommy went to the beach to celebrate Aunt Bailey before she gets married. It was so incredibly hard to leave you, but you had so much fun at the lake with your Nana and Pawpaw! It was the longest I have been away from you since you were born, and I missed you more than I could imagine! Thankfully Nana kept the pictures flowing all weekend long so I could see just how much fun you were having.
During the week we stay busy running errands, taking five hundred trips to the grocery store, and aimlessly roaming Target. You are now riding in the shopping cart like such a big girl! You love sitting up and watching all the people around you. I keep you entertained with plenty of toys and an endless supply of puffs. You're also sitting in a high chair at restaurants and eating lunch/dinner right along with the rest of us!
You took your very first trip to the zoo this month! You slept through the majority of our visit, but you woke up just in time to see the giraffes. You loved them! We will definitely be back soon so you can experience all the animals. You also went to story time at the library for the first time a few weeks ago. You had so much fun listening to the songs and watching all the other babies! We are looking forward to making story time a weekly occurrence this summer.
You are still eating solids once, sometimes twice, a day. You have eaten a variety of fruits and vegetables, and you have yet to find something you don't like. Although you like the taste of food, you still aren't crazy about eating. You would much rather nurse, and that is perfectly fine with me!
Some of your favorite things this month include: riding on the boat, pulling on your puppy brothers (they are so patient with you!), hanging out outside, going on walks in your stroller, playing on a pallet on the floor, and grabbing mommy's phone out of her hands.
Your least favorite things include: sleeping. ;)
We love you more than all the stars in the sky and can't believe how quickly you are growing. Do me a favor and don't grow up too fast, ok baby? You are the light of our lives, Charlie Beth!
Six months, a full half of year, has come and gone since you came into our lives. It's easily been the best and most rewarding six months of my life. As I sit in the floor with you, watching you explore your toys and try so desperately to crawl across the room, I can't believe just how fast you have grown. Where did my tiny newborn baby go?
We had your six month doctor's appointment this month, and you have certainly grown since your last visit! You are currently right at 18lbs and a little over 27" long. You are still so tall, just like your daddy. You're wearing 6-9 month clothes (even an occasional 12 month) and wearing size 3 diapers.
You are growing like a weed, baby girl! speaking of growing, you are finally starting to grow some hair on top of that bald head of yours! You are definitely going to have dark hair, but we also think that it will probably be curly. Mama is sure hoping for curls at least!
You still don't have any teeth yet, but we think they will probably be coming soon. The drool is getting worse by the day, and you rarely take those fingers out of your mouth.
This month has seen a pretty big regression when it comes to sleep. You figured out how to roll over in your rock n play, so we had to make the transition out of it. Mama wasn't quite ready to move you into your crib in your own room, so we attempted to move you to the pack n play. It's been ROUGH! Most nights you end up sleeping in bed with mommy. It's the only way any of us are getting any sleep! It's fine, I will be sure to remind you of this when you are sixteen and all you want to do is sleep! ;)
This was a big month for mommy, too. After weeks of stressing about it, I dropped you off to stay the weekend with your grandparents while mommy went to the beach to celebrate Aunt Bailey before she gets married. It was so incredibly hard to leave you, but you had so much fun at the lake with your Nana and Pawpaw! It was the longest I have been away from you since you were born, and I missed you more than I could imagine! Thankfully Nana kept the pictures flowing all weekend long so I could see just how much fun you were having.
During the week we stay busy running errands, taking five hundred trips to the grocery store, and aimlessly roaming Target. You are now riding in the shopping cart like such a big girl! You love sitting up and watching all the people around you. I keep you entertained with plenty of toys and an endless supply of puffs. You're also sitting in a high chair at restaurants and eating lunch/dinner right along with the rest of us!
You took your very first trip to the zoo this month! You slept through the majority of our visit, but you woke up just in time to see the giraffes. You loved them! We will definitely be back soon so you can experience all the animals. You also went to story time at the library for the first time a few weeks ago. You had so much fun listening to the songs and watching all the other babies! We are looking forward to making story time a weekly occurrence this summer.
You are still eating solids once, sometimes twice, a day. You have eaten a variety of fruits and vegetables, and you have yet to find something you don't like. Although you like the taste of food, you still aren't crazy about eating. You would much rather nurse, and that is perfectly fine with me!
Some of your favorite things this month include: riding on the boat, pulling on your puppy brothers (they are so patient with you!), hanging out outside, going on walks in your stroller, playing on a pallet on the floor, and grabbing mommy's phone out of her hands.
Your least favorite things include: sleeping. ;)
We love you more than all the stars in the sky and can't believe how quickly you are growing. Do me a favor and don't grow up too fast, ok baby? You are the light of our lives, Charlie Beth!

I love looking at how much they change month to month!! I put together Elliots 1-3 month pictures and couldn't believe it!!
ReplyDeleteShe is absolutely ADORABLE! So much personality.
What a happy sweetie! We too are struggling with transitioning to the crib....we have been trying to let him cry it out and it's SO HARD....
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness she is seriously getting so big!! And absolutely precious :)
ReplyDeleteEliza is the same height (also gets her height from her daddy!) but a few pounds lighter. So fun!
ReplyDeleteAhhh stop those pink overalls are too cute! She always looks so happy! Hopefully she gets used to her new sleeping arrangements so mommy can rest up too!
ReplyDeleteThose eyes <3 She's just so adorable! She looks like she has such a fun and perky personality.
She has the biggest, brightest, happiest eyes! What a sweet heart!